Creative Commoners Unite!

Creative Commons is a newly found idea which basically represents a looser form of copyrighting one’s work. Rather than disallowing the use of one’s idea or work by anyone else, they are able to use Creative Commons in order to freely share these works with others. However, this doesn’t mean giving up copyrights, it just means that you can gain more control over how your creative works are shared. For more info on the technicalities of Creative Commons, have a look at this link:

Some feel a stigma towards Creative Commons because there is a perception that free is either stolen or poor quality. To me, not all free things are of poor quality. Just have a look at marketing; how many times are you met with people who give you free samples on the street or in a super-market? It’s all free, but it doesn’t AUTOMATICALLY mean that it’s bad. The whole idea is the want to enter people’s minds and to get exposure to a greater audience. I believe that the Creative Commons idea is a useful one for people who want to get their work out there, and make it more freely available to the public, while still having control of what aspects of their work is on public display.

I would have no problem in browsing through Creative Commons musical content in order to find entertainment. Why would I? All of the big stars out there, were all once just like the musicians from the Creative Commons musical content. So who knows? Maybe the next big thing out there is, in fact, using Creative Commons. And also, on a personal note, I like knowing and having music which no-one else knows about, and this content would help make such unknown artists’ content available to me.

Excuse me while I Google “Creative Commons Music”……..

One Response to “Creative Commoners Unite!”

  1. Elliott Bakker Says:

    I agree with you, Creative Commons is the future of copyrights issues. Because the internet has facilitated sharing, it is necessary to create the framework for new laws about sharing, something current copyright laws fails to do.

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