Such a “like”-able kid!

An amusing story on has interested me today. In this article, an Israeli couple has named their newborn child, “Like”. WHY IS THIS? You may ask. Well, stop asking questions, we’re not in a conversation, it’s a blog. Nonetheless, I will answer it; the reason they did it was because they believe that “like ” is the modern equivalent of the word love. The basis of their observation was rooted in the fact that now, on Facebook, you can “like” people’s posts, comments, and photos alike. After posting the picture of their new-born on Facebook, they received 40 “likes”, and thus, they decided to name their daughter “Like”.

The reason I felt that this was blog-worthy, was that it shows how big of a role the internet plays in people’s mindsets nowadays. Yes, I admit that this is an extreme example, but I mean, how many times have you thought “Oh! I should put that thought as my status!” or “I should really put those pictures up on Facebook” or even “That person seemed cool, let me add them on Facebook”. I know I have been guilty of this at some points in the past few years.

… and that’s the way the cookie crumbles

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