Archive for good websites

Simple. Is. Always. Better.

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , on June 5, 2011 by rinaldhooosterman

In week 8 tutorials, we discussed in groups, what we deemed to be good and bad websites. I thought that this was an interesting exercise as everyone has their own criteria of what makes a good website. To me, the best websites are the simplest ones. This doesn’t mean that they have to be boring, rather, they are websites which allow you to get the information you need efficiently. Here are some examples of my some websites I find are simple, yet good:

Firstly, Google would be one of my all time favourite websites, and I don’t think I’d be wrong if I’d say that most people would agree with me on this one. Again, the reason I fidn this site to be a great one, is the simplicty of it; it’s usually a white background with a few useful links and a search bar. What could be more simple? Yet, it gets the job done every time.

Another website I enjoy as well, is Ticketek. This might seem like an odd choice, but I find that although the homepage is quite busy and loud, it still has a sense of simplicty. It breaks down the most popular attractions by categories, and its search bar allows you to search not only keywords, but in genres as well, so it’s still helpful even if you’re not sure of what you are actually looking for. Also, even though the screen might seem busy, there is always a consistent motif in the colours and backgrounds to the website, and this continuity, I find is quite appealing in websites.